On one summer day when I was 15 I was laying in my pool with my best friend Sara lying on a float next to me. This didn't just happen on one day during the summer, but basically EVERYDAY.
We use to talk about the typical teenage topics: boys, she said he said, driver's license, movies, and what we would be doing when we were adults. I remember on this particular summer day we were talking about our future. We talked about marriage, when we would like to be married, how many kids we wanted etc. I remember telling Sara, "When I get married you'll be in my wedding!" and "when I have A kid I'll want you to be his or her god-mother." Well I am not married and I have no children but when Sara married Zach I stood up at the altar next to them thinking, "Wow, we really have stayed friends!" Now Sara is a mother and once I left her house after taking Isaac's newborn photos I again thought to myself, "wow, we really have stayed friends!"
When I edited little Isaac's photos and created his baby announcement it made me realize how lucky I am to have a person and a friend like Sara. Since I was 14/ 15 she has been the person I could tell anything. The person I could rely on. The person I knew would never judge me. The person I knew would be around for 10, 15 and hopefully 20 + years. Now that I am an "adult" I realize how unlikely it is to remain a friend with people from your childhood, high school and even college. My friendship with Sara is truly a blessing. She is my "Sista Sara" and from experience I know that she will be an amazing mother because she is a person that doesn't give up on other people. She is a person who is strong and loving. She is a person that puts her friends and family before herself and she is a person who listens and supports everything and anything. She told me one time when I was living through a "my life is over" teenage moment that, "God never gives us more than we can handle." That saying has stuck with me for over 12 years. Now as she embarks on her journey of motherhood and experiences the joys and also the overwhelming I want her to know that, "God never gives us more than we can handle!"
Isaac is beautiful, perfect and one of the luckiest babies because of the beautiful mother and father he has. Congrats guys and I love you both, or should I say, I love all three of you and I look forward to many many more years of our friendship!